Symbolic Links to Another Mounted Volume / 403 - Forbidden
Added by michalc over 13 years ago
I'm trying to serve static files, but in a directory on another volume. However, whenever I try to view a file in the directory, I get a 403 - Forbidden. What I've tried:
- Symbolic links on the same volume work fine, both inside and outside of the document root. So server.follow-symlink = "enable" I think is set fine.
- I've checked permissions on the file and directory in question, and it's all world-readable
- I've tried = "linux-sendfile" and = "writev" to see if there is any difference. There isn't.
- I've enabled debug.log-request-handling, and it just says "access denied" when it gets to the point where it accesses the file.
My setup:
Linux: (on Amazon AWS EC2)
Lighttpd: 1.4.28
Can anyone help?
Replies (3)
RE: Symbolic Links to Another Mounted Volume / 403 - Forbidden - Added by spaam over 13 years ago
check if you have SELinux active and disable that
RE: Symbolic Links to Another Mounted Volume / 403 - Forbidden - Added by michalc over 13 years ago
Thanks for your reply. I have followed the instructions to fully disable SELinux, and I have. For reference, I edited /boot/grub/grub.conf and added selinux=0 . Now if I run "sestatus", and it reports it is disabled.
However, the symbolic links still do not work. Any other suggestions?
EDIT: I have also now tried viewing files, and the contents of files, via the symlinked directory from the command line as the lighttpd user, just in case there are any permissions issues, and that works fine.
RE: Symbolic Links to Another Mounted Volume / 403 - Forbidden - Added by michalc over 13 years ago
Solved: I feel mildly foolish, but it was a permissions issue on the parent directories: they needed +x on them. The fact that the ones that didn't work were on a different filesystem was just a coincidence.