


Getting lighty running on arm-linux target

Added by aramm over 11 years ago

I am trying to use lighttpd web server for my arm target.

I configured it with -
1. --host = arm-linux (for linux target)
2. --without-bzip2
3. --disable-ipv6 (don't need IPV6 support)

I was able to cross compile it without any errors. Am cross compiling it on a system running ubuntu .

I transffered the exe and the lighttpd.conf file and the libs to my target. I also copied the rc.lighttpd to the /etc/rc.d/init.d folder.

Now whenver I execute the following command

/etc/rc.d/init.d/lightpd start

I get the error

  • Starting lighttpd/etc/rc.d/init.d/lightpd: line 162: : not found
    /etc/rc.d/init.d/lightpd: line 162: /opt/MAP/etc/startup/lighty/lighttpd: not found*

Can someone please tell me why this error is coming. The lighttpd executable is present at the mentioned location I made sure of that.

I read quite a few posts saying that "not found" error would occur even if the executable is not cross compiled for the target.

Replies (1)

RE: Getting lighty running on arm-linux target - Added by nitrox over 11 years ago

Start without init.d script and give the -f param the path to your config. If it starts we´re out, if not, make sure it´s at least a little bit related to lighty, other than a b0rken init.d script.
