


[Solved] Lighttpd URL access with key

Added by laxman876 over 6 years ago

I'm in scenario to access api from other port as lighttpd is my default port. I want to create url with key which may prevent 401 authentication. Im using mod_auth i want headers to allow access different port to access api

Replies (3)

RE: [Solved] Lighttpd URL access with key - Added by gstrauss over 6 years ago

Write your own custom authorizer and run it as mod_fastcgi authorizer.

RE: [Solved] Lighttpd URL access with key - Added by laxman876 over 6 years ago

Hi i'm new to lighttpd. I'm using two servers on linux system. One is lighttpd with mod_auth enable. So i'm trying to access some webservice from other server which has different port im getting 401 authentication error. Can i set headers or any type key to access webservice from different port to lighttpd mod_auth directory. Please let me know how exactly i can achieve it

Webservices is in lighttpd server

RE: [Solved] Lighttpd URL access with key - Added by gstrauss over 6 years ago

i'm new to lighttpd.

You also seem fairly new to asking questions. Please use your favorite search engine to look up "how to ask a good technical question"

Please let me know how exactly i can achieve it

Read the doc Docs_ModAuth and Docs_ModFastCGI. Ask specific questions about what you read in the docs and what you tried on your own.

HTTP Basic auth is achieved by setting headers. You might start with understanding how to implement HTTP Basic auth in your web service. Again, please start with a search engine as this is general HTTP knowledge.

If you are trying to use lighttpd in a way that is not documented, then since you are so new to web servers, you should try to use lighttpd in a way that it is documented. If you want to do something custom, you can do so with mod_fastcgi authorizers. Please don't ask someone to write you something custom here. Find someone to pay to do it if you need something custom and are unable to do it yourself.
