[OT] Lighttpd fails with cJSON
Added by srizwan about 1 year ago
Hi All,
I have builded the cJSON library along with fastcgi application and when I add cJSON *jsonArray = cJSON_CreateArray();
Lighttpd fast cgi does not start and returns the error Failed to start Lighttpd Daemon .
Please provide a solution
Replies (3)
RE: Lighttpd fails with cJSON - Added by gstrauss about 1 year ago
How to get support - please read When you're done reading that, please read it a second time. If that does not help, look in the lighttpd error log.
RE: Lighttpd fails with cJSON - Added by srizwan about 1 year ago
Hi Gstrauss,
I am working with Lighttpd fast CGI application on ubuntu 22 with Eclipse IDE.
Basic application for sending and receiving the data between client(Chrome) and my Ubuntu 22 works fine.
In order to receive the data on the client side in JSON Format , I added cJSON library support in my Eclipse IDE.
When I add header file #include "cJSON.h"
There is no compilation errors which indicates the header file is found and no issue with the cJSON Library . When Lighttpd service was started, It gets started without error.
The Moment I add , cJSON *jsonArray = cJSON_CreateArray();
, Lighttpd service failed to start.
Is there any configuration to be added for lighttpd other than linking cJSON library .
Please provide information to resolve this error.
Thanking you.
RE: Lighttpd fails with cJSON - Added by gstrauss about 1 year ago
lighttpd is a web server.
lighttpd can connect to a FastCGI application, as can many other web servers.
Your inability to write and debug a FastCGI application with Eclipse is not something in scope for this lighttpd forum.
To see the error reported by lighttpd, look in the lighttpd error log or start lighttpd manually from the command prompt.
How to get support - please read When you're done reading that, please read it a second time, and then a third time. If that does not help, look in the lighttpd error log.