


temp file not closed

Added by pisces almost 2 years ago


Based on lighttpd1.4.65 version. I download a large file (about 12MB) to our board.
After downloading process is finished, I found the fd (file description) of this temp file is not closed.
Because when I tried to delete this file in /tmp folder, I found after deleting, the size of tmp folder is not increased. this means the space of this temp file is not freed.
when I add the below new code in red cycle, this issues was fixed.

is this a bug ?

Replies (2)

RE: temp file not closed, whether this is a bug or not ? - Added by pisces almost 2 years ago

the code in red cycle is in function: connection_handle_read_post_state in the connection.c file.

RE: temp file not closed, whether this is a bug or not ? - Added by gstrauss almost 2 years ago

Please read: How to get support
Then, read it a second time and ask yourself what you did not yet do or share.
(Stop asking the question "is this a bug?". It is annoying. The vast majority of support requests are user errors, not bugs.)

Does the issue occur with the latest version of lighttpd? Current release of lighttpd is lighttpd 1.4.67.
Does the issue occur without your custom module mod_ns4 or any other code customizations you (or others) have made?
